The model portfolio

The model portfolio will be a way for members to keep track of my trades. I will use the Think or Swim platform to keep up with the portfolio. This way, the performance of the fund is transparent for all to see. You will see both the good and the bad. In the near future(1-2 years) I will open up a robinhood account using my own money and that will serve as the model portfolio going forward. 

The model portfolio will invest in stocks and ETF's that are highly liquid. No micro cap or penny stocks.

One of the most important skills in investing is to correctly size positions. Most newsletters I have read give plenty of ideas and alerts but do not tell you how much to buy. How much of something one owns makes a HUGE d/f over the long term. 

The service will be $9/month and will include everything in the original member service.

My long-term goal is to have an active mgmt business that gives the client more control and transparency. I will write more about this as time goes on.

Drop me an email if you have any questions or hit me up on twitter or stock twits.

jcd5816 for twitter and stocktwits

Caleb Dismuke